Thursday, August 26, 2010

My HCG Journey

So... five months after Clara was born and I still have 25 lbs to lose before I am at a healthy weight for my body. Looking at that number on the scale is so overwhelming... I hate that I am so unhappy about the size that I am and the way that I look.

So... after much prayer and conversations with some close friends, I have decided to do the HCG diet to lose the weight.

I was very hesitant at first for several reasons.

1. I don't want to just jump on the band wagon of some fad diet. In fact, I have passed so much judgement on some friends I have that have done it that I didn't think needed to because they didn't have much weight to lose.

2. I only have 25 lbs to lose and does someone with that little of weight lose need to do something so drastic?

3. I am a little scared to get into this not knowing whether I will survive or not.

But after talking to my friends, I have decided to go for it. I know myself and if I get determined enough I will do great and stick with it for the entire thing.

So... I am going to start while I am in Arkansas visiting my grandmother and I should be done in early October. I have to admit I am excited... excited to have the weight off... excited to die to myself... excited for the journey I am going to take and the challenge it will be for me to deal with my issues with food.

This blog is going to be my journey... the good and bad, the ups and downs... and I hope that if there is someone out there going through this as well, I hope that this will help and maybe inspire you.

Ready??? Set??? GO....