Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The FEAR in our society

Recently, I have discovered something a little disturbing about myself.

My confidence can be shaken so much easier than I ever imagined.

I have found myself going through this weird growing period where I am being challenged more than ever to stand on faith. Everyone know that our economy and our nation are going through tough times... it is shoved into our faces 24/7. Well, I have decided that is nothing more than satan's attempt to SHAKE our confidence. Once he can attack our confidence, FEAR can rise up without even a warning. Once fear arrives everything that you know and believe about the power of God can be challenged.

I was listening to Miles Monroe, a Pastor in Chicago, the other day and he was talking about unplugging from the world's system...not in some cooky "get off the grid" way but in a very practical "we do not belong to this world" type of way. He said something that was a real a-ha moment for me. He said "Jesus did not come to repair the world's system but to replace it".

Here we are worried because we feel like the economy is crashing and along with it alot of dreams but what we fail to remember so often is that God did not say "I will provide for you as long as your economy is good". He said that He would provide everything that we need..no matter what the world's system looks like because we DO NOT belong to the world's system. We belong to a much greater and powerful system and we serve a God that promises to take care and provide our every need.

If gas goes up to $100 a gallon and I need gas to get somewhere then I will believe that God will provide and meet my need past my expectation.

So...fellow believers... FEAR NOT! We serve a God that has more power in his pinky than the world could ever even dream of.


  1. Yeah for your blogging! I'm excited to stay more updated with your life :)

  2. oh and I was just thinking about this exact thing! I overhead a lady I work with talking about her extreme fear and anxiety over our present economy situation. I honestly don't really fear any of it and that is i'm sure only because of all that God has walked me through in overcoming fear over the last 5 years! I use to think storing up and saving was the answer for the 'one day' crisis... but when i asked my dad why he wasn't storing up he simply said that God would provide then just as He does now and he wasn't prepared to kill to keep his stored up stuff just for our family. I agree... God will provide just as He always has... we may just have to trust differently than we have :)

  3. Hey Erin! While I don't know where I'd find the time to squeeze in blogging - I think it's a great idea. I find myself blog "stalking" - enjoy reading others - and maybe once Cason is older - I'll bite the bullet and do it. Great reminder that we serve a BIG God who isn't surprised by any of this at all! It's such a comfort to have Him as our heavenly father. He will see us through!
