Monday, April 6, 2009

Old Church... New Home

Well, Zach and I have decided to return to The Church on Rush Creek as our official home church. We were there 3 years and then left a little after we got married to find our "own path". We started going to a different church, where we have been for a couple of months, but never felt the desire to get involved.

I finally told Zach that I wanted to get to a church and get involved and stay there. So, after much prayer, we have decided to return to The Church on Rush Creek. We are very excited to once again have a "home church" where we feel like we belong.

Plus, I can't wait to start watching the little kiddo's once again... and possibly get involved with the youth there.

Fun Stuff!

1 comment:

  1. hey i don't have your email, but thought you might find this interesting. IT has nothing to do with this blog, ha! this is my uncles blog and he speaks his mind :)
    Let me know what you think, especially from your job too.
