Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Presidental Speech Last Night

Ok so once I found out American Idol was NOT on.. i flipped through the channels and found that there was nothing worth watching.. so, although I do not usually like watching Presidental addresses whether it be Obama or anyone else, I ended up watching it anyway.

After the speech I also watched O'Reilly to get his take on the speech. Overall I thought Obama's speech was fairly good to watch. O'Reilly said he was boring but after Obama being raked over the coal's for him chuckling about the economic situation on 60 minutes, I would think he would be more somber.

This is my take on things... either way you look at it, this is a tough situation for any President to be in. I pray that this new plan works and that the Lord can restore the nation economically and that we do not have to switch to sociallism. No normal person can even begin to wrap our minds around 1.3 Trillion dollars to even understand what that will mean for future generations. We just need to pray that the Lord is working all this out for the GOOD of this Nation... we are GOD's nation and I believe He still wants this nation to succeed.

Overall... I would give the speech a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

1 comment:

  1. Well technically Israel is God's nation... but we've definitely been up there!
